Friday 4 February 2011

Pre-Production Planning (Health and Safety) by Nathan

  1. Footwear on Bridle path- We will need to wear suitable footwear with strong grip on the bridle path to prevent slipping over.
  2. Use of Equipment- To prevent cameras from being damaged or getting muddy we will have to make sure that the exact point on the bridlepath in which we film is firm. This may restrict the places we can film but this is better than damaging equipment and not being able to film at all! When not using equipment we will need to make sure this is on firm and ground that is not dirty.
  3. Public Notification- We will need to make sure we put signs up because this is of course a PUBLIC bridlepath. We will have to stop filming to allow people through.
  4.  We would definetley not be able to film here!

    • 4.Prop Safety (The Phone)- At one point in our story, Stan (The Main Protagonist) throws down a phone. To prevent damage to somebodys own phone we need to think of a suitable alternative. Some of our options include...Using an old phone that no longer works, Use of Foley effects to suggest this or Pad the impact by using a soft material.
    • After testing this out on the grass in college, we are happy that it will pad the fall.

  5. Prop Safety (Cigarette)- We will be using real cigarettes for authenticity, but because of this we will have to be extra careful so we do not get burnt or burn other things.

1 comment:

  1. if you SB carefully you can do the phone scene through illusion.
    1. LS of him throwing phone down - but he does not - just film the motion.
    2 Cut to phone hitting ground, but perhaps in slow motion if you ant to emphasise it. If it is not on path, grass will pad the fall. Practice with a similar shaped object in college and see how you can pull this off.
