Monday 13 December 2010

Task Four

We have just finished discussing our decisions on how to produce our preliminary task and have come up with some pretty good ideas!

  • We began our discussion and found that we wanted to go with the theme of a superhero having a conversation with a villain. 
  • We will initially show the superhero as someone in control with quick camera movements and low angles. This will change when the superhero enters the room. (Match On Action), changing to eye level so the audience can connect emotionally. 
  • We will then incorporate the final two contiunity editing (180 Degree Rule and Shot/Reverse Shot)
  • techniques into the conversation the hero and the villian have.

Here are some superb examples from our storyboard...

  •  The people acting in the film will be Nathan (Villain or NAT) and Alex (Superhero).
  • Props will include a Cape (Superhero), Glasses (Villain), Shirt and Tie (Villain) and a Cat (not a live one) for the villain.
  • We will be filming outside for the superheros introduction, on the grassy area of the college and inside a classroom for the conversation.
  • We will be filming the conversation sequence on Wednesday Period 4 and the outside sequence on Thursday Period 3!
Sorry about the hefty post but we wanted to cram as much information in as possible!

1 comment:

  1. For the actual coursework this will need to be an animatic
