Wednesday 9 March 2011

Titles and Credit Research by Nathan

 La Zona
  • The opening credits parallel the seemingly simplistic lives of this community. The credits themselves are used with the moving image to suggest a scene of tranquility. 
  • However, the music here is sombre, is something bad about to happen to this tranquil scene?
  • Credits are placed away from areas of action and are put up against darkened areas so the audience is able to read them.
  • The first shot of the entire sequence is the imagery of the cars canted and distorted by a car window. Although this scene appears peaceful, something is not quite right.
Simplistic credits parallel a simple,easy existence.
Scenes of tranqulity.
  • The titling sequence signals a change in mood. The images of tranqulity are replaced with a black background and a metallic sign saying 'La Zona', this title is paralleled by the sound of a Thunderstorm which leads into the next scene.
Signals a change in tone.

  • Graphics of a red line of silk immediately relate back to the title, it is likely this is going to be one of the key features of the drama.
  • Credits of actors names are matched up by images of their character, the audience can begin to identify who is which character. Some images are out of focus, is this character going to be in danger?
  • Images appear on screen but are immediately disjointed, suggesting some element of crime or misunderstanding.
  • Images are in between the silk, we can see some of the picture but not the whole thing. 
  • Once again, imagery is placed seperately to credits (There is not a lot of titling that goes overtop the images) and titling is placed up against a colour contrasting background so they are easy to see.
The silk opens the credits
Imagery of characters is blurred.

Cannot not see the full book case: Unanswered questions?
The 'evidence' is disjointed.
I, Robot

  • The first moments feature mechanical titling of 20th Century Fox. This is coupled with low sounding, eery music that is likely to put the audience on edge.
  • The titling is reflected in the other things we see in the shot, this outlines to the audience that this likely to be a metal.
  • In a flash of light, the words 'I Robot' appear. There is also the sound of some sort of electrical fault when this happens.
  • The titling floats away and the sound of bubbling which was originally very low now gets increasingly loud to the point that the audience should realise the action is taking place under water.
  • Titling and credits placed in the blacked out areas of the screen. The audience can easily read them and this colour contrasts helps emphasise to the audience the importance of the flash of light.
Mechanical lettering is paralleled by mechanical background.
Titling reflected.
Bright light emphasised by sound.
The title disperses and floats away.

1 comment:

  1. Good nathan. Some good choices. Don't forget to loook at placement a s well. The placement should always allow the audience to read the titling. Note the canted introduction as well.
